Appsync GraphQL responses are slow and have high latency?


My GraphQL http CRUD type requests through AppSync are consistently getting done in around 500ms. Is this normal and expected? I'm comparing it another app I have that is a more traditional REST-based CRUD stack and requests are performed in under 100ms.

I see other people have brought issues about AppSync slowness here as well:

I know this is all dependent on each person's setup. And I for example have data sources outside of the appsync region that may be contributing to the slowness. But it still seems AppSync GraphQL api has higher latency than traditional REST stacks.

Is this true, does AWS have any numbers to share? I guess I can run one of your sample apps, make sure everything is in the same data center and see what the 'optimal' performance looks like.

asked 5 years ago2624 views
4 Answers


Sorry for the issues. It depends on your setup, but no, that kind of latency shouldn't be normal. Cross regional calls will add to your overhead, but that shouldn't cause that much.

Could you share some more about your setup? Your data sources would help. We could investigate in depth if you could share region info, api id, a rough timestamp, and/or a request id. Feel free to DM me those if you'd like me to do so.


answered 5 years ago

Thanks @JeffB! I just sent you private message with the info you requested.

Edited by: hisham on Jan 11, 2019 9:29 AM

answered 5 years ago

I have the same issue even for a simplest query & resolver. @JeffB, have you found any clues yet? I'm willing to provide all necessary details to help nail down the cause.

Edited by: phi on Jan 23, 2019 3:25 AM

answered 5 years ago


Sorry for the troubles. Generally, latencies can be caused by a lot of things unique to each customer setup – mutation processing from Lambda, network conditions... etc. It would probably be best to either open up a new post for us to track rather than commenting on existing issues that might be unrelated, or DM me your info we can look at your API and setup to offer advice.


answered 5 years ago

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